Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We have a great commitment to the Great Commission and believe that every church should be a supporter of mission/ministry projects that further the kingdom of Christ.

Local Mission Opportunities

This is a group of Jesus loving students who desire to serve their church and community. They will be assisting with projects such as yard work, tasks around the church, preparing and distributing food boxes with Second Harvest Food Bank, serving the homeless through Lost Sheep, and home visits with church members all while sharing the love of Jesus.

The Golden Offering for TN Missions is the annual state missions offering that provides financial support for ministries that help reach people living in Tennessee for Christ. The Golden Offering is meeting needs through Compassion Ministries, Disaster relief, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, and so much more. This offering is collected year-round

Battleship Upgrades
The church improvements project also known as the “battleship” is a project for improvements on our own church. It includes necessary renovations to the building to keep it intact, inviting, and relevant. The current projects include rebuilding the columns, front porch and signage. Past projects have ben updating the fellowship hall, new landscaping to the welcome center, lights and sound equipment, windows, new heat/air units and new chairs in the sanctuary
National Mission Opportunities

Big Creek Missions is an inter-denominational Christian ministry center located in Bear Branch, KY that serves Leslie, Clay, and Perry Counties. Their primary task is to connect mission groups with needs within their community. They offer services and ministries such as: free home repairs; community programs; children’s programs (tutoring, day camps, clothing; hygiene kits); food distribution; teen outreach. They hope to expose the mission groups to the rich culture and introduce the volunteer teams to missions living, so they can go home and, having experienced a change of perspective, identify the needs in their own hometown.

Tyler Baker is a student at ETSU, and he is on the leadership team at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry where he helps other students that are considering serving in missions. Tyler has plans for a mission trip in the spring of 2024, and has applied for a 2 month mission trip to Indonesia this summer. He will have the opportunity to witness to people that have likely never heard the gospel before. Depending on his international trip, he may apply for a 2-year international program after he graduates from college.

Annie Armstrong (1850–1938) spoke up for missions and missionaries in ways no one ever had. She championed missions support among Southern Baptist churches and cast a grand vision for their growing involvement in praying, giving and going. Since 1895, what is now called the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering has fueled Southern Baptists’ mission work in the U.S., Canada and their territories. In that time, churches and individuals have given more than $2 billion dollars to help make Jesus known to every man, woman, boy and girl in North America.
international mission opportunities

Grace's pantry
The mission of Grace's pantry was started by her devoted husband Lee Rutherford. It helps to feed under privileged communities in Grace's native home country of Philippines, assists in surgeries for children and allows the spread of the Gospel at these events. Hundreds of people have not only been fed at these events but also have accepted the Lord as their personal savior and recieved surgeries that they would have died without.

Project likamba
Likamba, a northern Tanzanian village, is home to 15,000 Masai, once known as formidable warriors and cattle keepers, now facing dire poverty due to changing times and diseases. Ridgedale has been ministering here for 13 years, along with a local pastor, a partner church in Kentucky and a group of mission minded folks in Australia. The vision of a fully self-sustained school is almost a reality, but there is still work to be done.

Kirya village
In Kirya village, there are many who are helpless and broken who need the sustaining hope and peace that only Christ can give. Beyond spreading the gospel, we are working on meeting physical needs such as buying a brick maker so the village can build their own church and become more self sustaining with the income the brick making machine would bring. Our mission extends to discipleship training and providing medical care to those that need it.

Since 1918, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering has provided support for Southern Baptist missionaries as they share the Word of God and the grace and hope we have in Jesus Christ. Every penny given supports outreach and evangelism, humanitarian relief, discipleship and training, and missionary support.