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OUr Mission and Model

Mission and Model

Our Ultimate Objective:
To bring ultimate satisfaction to God by finding our ultimate satisfaction in Him.

Our Mission:
As we seek our ultimate objective, we will seek out, lead and teach others to do so as home, across the tracks and around the world.

Our Vision:
A church family centered on the good news of Jesus Christ, praying fervently, following God obediently, turning from sin and running to Jesus, and celebrating the power of God in us as He works through us. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Our Strategy:
Pray. See where God is working. Jump in with both feet.

Our Current Model:
The highest effort toward authentic and relevant worship gatherings
The highest priority of making disciples the way Jesus did
The highest respect for the teaching and preaching of the Word of God
The highest emphasis on Small Group connectivity and care
The highest standards of substance, safety and excitement in Children and Student Ministries
The highest commitment to prayer and faith in all ministries and missions we are involved in